
Why Teachers Quit? 6 Ways To Support Struggling Teachers

15th December 2023

Research reveals that 44% of new teachers leave their jobs within the first 5 years as compared to 8% who embark on a new teaching journey.

Amidst the extraordinary challenges that teachers have faced in the past couple of hours, they have been flexible, brave, and innovative. However, in many cases, they have also been pushed to their limits that have led to some well-documented concerns of burnout and resigning from their profession altogether. Understanding the reasons why teachers quit addressing the underlying causes and fixing those issues should be the major focus point for school leaders. Here are some ways to retain your best teachers and make a positive recovery.

Supporting Current Teachers

Life is full of unexpected issues. While illness and bereavement come and go and living costs always seem to soar up, personal well-being is often overlooked. Whilst the world is much better at discussing mental health in general, teacher mental health is still on the rise. When new teachers join, they receive almost little to no guidance from their administrators and hence do not have a fair idea of how they are supposed to work.

Supporting Current Teachers

This is when they make mistakes and fall prey to repetitive work. Eliminating redundancies is often the first obstacle you need to overcome to live a happy career and lifestyle. This, however, is hard and can lead to being restricted to limited potential. Therefore, administrators must come out of their way and look for opportunities to support their struggling teachers. They can use tools, signposts or hand out tips on the teaching process to help the new teachers get established in their life of work.

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Tips To Support Your Teachers And Prevent Them From Quitting

Teachers And Prevent Them From Quitting

Here are a few steps you can undergo to guide your teachers and be with them when they need you the most:

1. Stimulate Honest And Open Communication

Provide a judgment-free, safe setting where educators may voice their worries about their work. Teachers who communicate honestly about the difficulties they face on the job may feel less alone and more supported when making decisions.

School officials can help with this by arranging for instructors to consult with counselors or mentors, or by setting up private meetings.

2. Provide Career Counselling

Educators who are thinking about quitting their jobs may be unaware of their alternative professional choices. To assist teachers in exploring their interests, abilities, and talents and discovering other professions that could be a better fit for them, schools might provide career counseling services.

Career counselors are a valuable source of information on various career paths, the necessary skills for each, and the procedures involved in switching to a different area.

3. Offer Professional Development Opportunities

Professional development activities can help teachers who are thinking about leaving the classroom acquire transferable abilities that they can use in other occupations.

For instructors thinking of a future in the private sector, training on public speaking, project management, or dispute resolution might be helpful.

4. Connect Alumni With Teachers

As school leaders, you can connect your leaving teachers with other professionals and alumni networks who have left teaching and have transitioned into other careers. You can do this either through in-person networking events or via online forums.

By connecting your teachers with others who have transcended into other careers, they can gain insights into numerous careers and be aware of the opportunities or challenges that might through with changing fields.

5. Grant Financial Support

If an individual has been in the teaching profession for a very long time and this is their only source of income, leaving it might be a difficult task. It might have a huge impact on their financial situation.

In such cases, organizations can extend financial support in the form of job placement assistance and severance pay. These resources can enable teachers to cover their living expenses until they get a new job or further their education.

6. Celebrate Contributions

It is important to honor teachers who choose to retire from the classroom for their services to the school and the community. To recognize their service and express gratitude for their commitment, schools may host a departure party or ceremony.

This might serve as a means for the school to express its appreciation for the efforts made by instructors, even if they decide to leave the field.

Guide Your Teachers To Retain Them

Supporting your teachers who want to leave teaching is essential for their physical health and mental well-being. By creating a supportive and safe environment, you can allow them to discuss their concerns and give them important advice and suggestions on how to transition. If you want to empower them even further, encourage them to pursue Teacher Training Courses and gain better insights on how to move ahead in their career.

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Written By : Sanjana

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