
Is Perfectionism The Right Choice For Every Teacher?

13th June 2023

Teaching is kind of a profession that comes with lots of responsibility and pressure at the same time. This could lead teachers to strive for perfectionism. According to a survey of, it’s been observed that most teachers are underappreciated for their effort.

Public School Teachers

This is leading to a situation where every teacher even teachers who have pursued courses like International Teaching Diploma course is striving for perfection and it’s in human nature to strive for excellence. The role of perfectionism in teacher has become a norm and nowadays every teacher especially new ones are trying to achieve the unattainable standards of teaching and they have an goal to impress their colleagues, administrators, and students that they are the best at what they are doing. However, this leads them towards burnout, anxiety, and other negative outcomes on their mental health.

After keeping in mind of this situation, we have created this blog which will teach every teacher how avoiding perfectionism and just focusing on the teaching process instead can prove to be more beneficial for them.

So, without any further delay, let’s get to know everything about the role of perfectionism in teachers in today’s generation in detail.

Why Role of Perfectionism holding teachers back?

Perfectionism can hold new teachers back in a number of ways. For example, it can cause them to spend too much time planning lessons or grading assignments, leaving little time for self-care or professional development. It can also lead to a fear of taking risks or trying new teaching strategies, as the fear of failure can be a hindrance in their teaching career. Perfectionism can also lead to a sense of isolation, as new teachers may be reluctant to seek help or feedback from colleagues or mentors.

Negative effects of perfectionism on teaching

Perfectionism can have a number of negative effects on teaching. For one, it can lead to burnout and high levels of stress, as teachers feel pressure to meet unrealistic expectations. This can also lead to a lack of creativity and innovation in the classroom, as teachers may be hesitant to try new approaches for fear of failure or criticism. Perfectionism can also lead to a lack of work-life balance, as teachers may feel compelled to work long hours or take work home with them in order to meet their own high standards.

So, we have known how the role of perfectionism in teacher could create hurdles in their career and negative effect of it as well. Now, we will get to know some tips for avoiding perfectionism and sticking to the basic teaching process.

Tips to Avoid Perfectionism in Teaching

While avoiding perfectionism altogether may be difficult, there are some steps new teachers can take to mitigate its negative effects. Here are five tips for avoiding perfectionism in teaching:

1. Embracing mistakes as a learning opportunity

It is important for new teachers to recognize that making mistakes is a natural part of the learning process. Rather than seeing mistakes as failures, they should view them as opportunities for growth and improvement. By embracing mistakes and learning from them, new teachers can develop resilience and become more effective educators.

2. Practice Self-Care

Self-care is crucial for teachers, particularly those who are prone to perfectionism. This can include things like taking breaks during the day, practicing mindfulness, or meditation, and engaging in hobbies or activities outside of work. By taking care of themselves, teachers can avoid burnout and maintain their mental and emotional well-being.

3. Prioritize tasks and manage time effectively

New teachers may feel overwhelmed by the many tasks and responsibilities that come with the job. To avoid becoming bogged down by these demands, it is important to prioritize tasks and manage time effectively. This can include things like creating a schedule or to-do list, delegating tasks when possible, and breaking larger projects into smaller, more manageable tasks.

4. Seeking feedback and support from colleagues and mentors

New teachers should not be afraid to seek feedback and support from colleagues and mentors. By soliciting feedback on their teaching and seeking guidance on how to improve, they can become more effective educators and avoiding perfectionism ideology. It is also important for new teachers to build strong relationships with colleagues and mentors, as these connections can provide a valuable source of support and guidance.

5. Overcoming fear of failure

Finally, budding or experienced teachers should work to overcome their fear of failure and take risks in their teaching. This can mean trying out new teaching strategies or approaches, even if they are not sure if they will work. By taking risks and learning from both successes and failures, new teachers can become more confident and effective in the classroom.

Avoiding perfectionism is best for every Teacher’s growth

Perfectionism can be a hindrance to every teacher and even to those teachers who have pursued courses like the International Teaching Diploma course, but you can overcome this obsession. By embracing mistakes, prioritizing self-care, managing time effectively, seeking feedback and support, and taking risks, teachers can become more effective educators by avoiding the role of perfectionism in teacher profession. Ultimately, one must remember that teaching is a learning process, and it is important for new teachers to give themselves permission to learn and grow.

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Written By : Abhishek

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